A man with a style - Quentin Tarantino

When Tarantino drop out of  acting school he claimed that he knows better how to do thing, well I have to say he does! Quentin Tarantino is a man with a style. Everyone of his movies has his talented writing, no ordinary plots, lots of twists and fun dialogs, lots of blood, which makes his movies cool. He is one of those independent directors who goes his own way, and does it very good.His first movie Reservoir dogs, was made on low budget, and it was a key to success, Quentin said that he would make this film anyway, even without money. And his next major success Pulp Fiction, even won a Palme d'Or, it changed all his life. I personaly love Quentins filming style, using lot of long shots and interesting camera angels, his attention is on actors and characters he made.
Inglorious Basterds is just kicking ass with multi-language dialogs and plot with great unexpected twists, bringing out great acting of Christhop Waltz and Brad Pit. Django Unchained shows whole different story, from other tarantino movies, but with the same Tarantino style! I think audience can wait for next movie The Hatefull Eight, well I definetly cant... 

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